Leadership Programme

Qi Kwan Do academies run a very successful and popular advanced martial arts programme. These classes are for those who want to take their training further, push themselves harder, and engage in more complicated and challenging drills.

These classes are a great way to meet new people who have similar goals of achieving a Black Belt. You will benefit from increased strength and flexibility, and it is also a proven aid to weight loss. Qi Kwan Do also teaches how to reduce stress and increase energy, which will leave you feeling and looking better, while most importantly you learn to protect yourself.

The importance of self-defence

We now live in a world where it is vital that we learn how to defend ourselves. Self-defence skills could one day save your life. We teach all students to be safe by using a common sense approach to protection -- this means understanding self-defence techniques and strategies, as well as conflict resolution techniques. We also teach body language concepts to our students such as the effects of eye contact and the use of the voice.

A great way to lose weight and keep fit!

Let’s face it, many of us have at one time joined a gym, started aerobic classes or bought an exercise video or equipment, only for them to become a reminder of failure. However, the majority of people who read this, will not have reached the fitness level they dream of or achieved their weight loss goals.

So why is it that our unique Martial Arts programme has been so successful in helping men, women and children lose weight, and achieve their dream body shape? It's because our classes are exciting!

Every class you take at a Qi Kwan Do Black Belt School will be different than the last. You will always learn something new. Gyms, aerobic classes and videos become very repetitive and after a while most people drop out. However, the number of students who continue to train with us is unbelievably high, mainly because we offer a fun alternative to getting fit and in shape.